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Subject: WTS: DELL HP Lenovo Laptops & Desktops
From: ** Not Logged in **
Date: 06-19 15:51
Message: Hello,

i have the following assets for sale, each as an independent lot. If you have not received my detailed lists, please reply and i will email you the EXCEL detail.

  • 49 x Lenovo M75S  SFF, Ryzen 5Pro 3700 with 8GB and no HDD valued at $90 each ($4410 all -O.B.O.) -no File
  • 112 x assorted (22)PCs &  (90) Laptops in MI at $12,000 Or Best Offer
  • 116 x assorted Laptops in MI – No Hard Drives – Mostly Lenovo - Asking  for best offer
  • 160 x Thin Clients in NY  – looking for offers – valued at $4750
  • 77 x Low-end PCs valued at $3,000
  • 84 x assorted PCs in MI. looking for best offer
  • 45 x assorted 10th – 13th Gen -in IL ; valued at $10,500; need best offer
  • 134 Laptops in NY  -valued at $15K-; need best offer
  • 96 Laptops in NY  -valued at $9.5K  ; need best offer
  • 45 assorted 10th – 13th Gen -in IL; valued at $10,500; need best offer


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