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Subject: WTS: Qty 2000+ Dell, HP and Lenovo systems
From: ** Not Logged in **
Date: 12-29 12:22
Message: We are looking for offers on the following:
Qty 70 Dell 3020 Core i3 4th gen SFF with 4GB-8GB/500
Qty 29 Dell 3020 Core i3 4th gen USFF with 4GB/320GB-500GB no ac
Qty 56 Dell 390 Core i5 2nd gen desktop with 4GB/250GB
Qty 284 Dell 5040 Core i5 6th gen SFF with 8GB/500GB
Qty 65 Dell 5040 Core i5 6th gen Tower with 8GB/500GB
Qty 25 Dell 7010 Core i5 3rd gen Tower with 4GB-8GB/250GB-500GB
Qty 36 Dell 7010 Core i3 3rd gen USFF with 2GB-4GB/320GB
Qty 28 Dell 7020 Core i7 4th gen SFF with 8GB/500GB
Qty 30 Dell 7040 Core i5 6th gen SFF with 4GB-8GB/500GB
Qty 198 Dell 790 Core i3 2nd gen SFF with 4GB/160GB-250GB (some missing hard drives)
Qty 33 Dell 790 Core i3 2nd or 3rd gen Desktop with 4GB/250GB (some missing hard drives)
Qty 108 Dell 790 Core i5 2nd and 3rd gen USFF with 4GB-8GB/250GB
Qty 80 Dell 990 Core i5 2nd gen SFF with 4GB-8GB/250GB
Qty 305 HP 8000 C2D Tower with 2GB/160GB
Qty 25 HP 8200 Core i7 2nd and 3rd gen SFF with 4GB/500GB
Qty 24 HP 8200 Core i3 2nd gen Tower with 4GB/250GB
Qty 35 HP 8300 Core i5 3rd gen SFF with 4GB-8GB/250GB-500GB
Qty 43 HP 8300 Core i7 3rd gen SFF with 4GB/500GB
Qty 166 HP 800 G1 Core i5 4th gen USFF with 4GB/500GB no ac
Qty 42 HP 800 G2 Core i5 6th gen USFF with 4GB-8GB/128SSD no ac
Qty 78 HP 400 G4 Core i5 7th gen SFF with 4GB/500GB
Qty 142 Lenovo M73 Core i5 4th gen USFF with 4GB-8GB/320GB-500GB no ac
Qty 20 Lenovo M700 Core i5 6th gen SFF with 8GB/500GB
Qty 176 Lenovo M83 Core i54th gen USFF with 4GB-8GB/500GB or 128SSD no ac
Qty 29 Lenovo M91P Core i52nd gen USFF with 4GB/250GB no ac
Please make me an offer on anything.
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