has a QTY of (120) i7 Lenovo laptops available for sale. These units have been tested to R2 standards and carry a 45-day guarantee. Each laptop includes an Intel i7 CPU installed, ranging from i7-1st- 6th generations with 4GB, 8GB or 16GB of RAM installed. Models include; X1 CARBON G4, 20GQ000E/P40, 20EQS5MC00/P50, 20BV0064/T450, 20FMS0XL23/T460, 20JM000B/T470, 20BTS0DW00/X1 Carbon, 20BG0011/W540, 20EF000H/w541, 20F6006L/x260, 20K6000R/X270, UltraBooks, Yoga’s and more! Packed in secure, slotted laptop boxes and strapped and wrapped onto a pallet, ready to ship. Spreadsheets are available which detail all the pertinent information for each line item. Send me your requests or questions.